IDS Software Suite 4.90.06 for Linux


System requirements   

For operating the uEye cameras, the following system requirements must be met:

  USB 3.1/USB 3.0 camera USB 2.0 camera
Interface USB 3.0 port (Super Speed) USB 2.0 port (High Speed 480 Mbps, "Full Powered" 500 mA)
CPU Intel i5 or better Intel i3 or better
Memory min. 2 GB

min. 2 GB

Disk space

min. 500 MB

min. 500 MB

Operating system

Linux > Kernel 3.4 (32/64-bit)
For UI-3013XC: Linux >= Kernel 3.13 (32/64-bit)
Linux > Kernel 2.6 (32/64-bit)

Depending on the sensor model, the camera performance may be limited with the minimum system requirements.

Compatibilty list

The Linux operation system is one of the most widely ported, running on a huge amount of architectures and provided over many distributions. Although we are trying to be compatible among the whole range of kernel versions and distributions, there is no guarantee that the IDS Software Suite is working on a specific untested combination.

Below is a list of tested and succeeded platforms and distributions for the current software release:

Distribution Architecture / processor Setup
Debian 9.4/8.10 i386 / i686 uEye-Linux-[version]-32.tgz
Debian 9.4/8.10 amd64 / amd64 uEye-Linux-[version]-64.tgz
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS/17.10/16.04 LTS i386 / i686 uEye-Linux-[version]-32.tgz
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS/17.10/16.04 LTS amd64 / amd64 uEye-Linux-[version]-64.tgz

Configuration notes   


You must be root to install.

  1. Copy all the files into a directory on the hard disk (you need write access to decompress).
  2. Go to the directory you copied the files into and run the setup program script by typing (replace the wildcard with the actual version identifier of the installer file) $> sh ./ueyesdk-setup*.run
  3. If any problems occurred, the known issues section below or the generated report.log file may include a hint to solve them (see installer output). If not, contact your local distributors support and submit the report.log file.
  4. If installation succeeded, one may start the uEye daemon by typing /etc/init.d/ueyeethdrc start (you need to be root)
    To stop the uEye daemon, type /etc/init.d/ueyeethdrc stop
    For USB uEye, replace 'ueyeethdrc' with 'ueyeusbdrc'.
    Alternatively, if one has a working graphical environment, the daemons may be controlled via the IDS Camera Manager (started as root)
  5. Set camera ID
    To set the camera ID, one may use the IDS Camera Manager or the 'ueyesetid' tool.
  6. Set camera IP
    To set the camera persistent IP address, one may use the IDS Camera Manager or the 'ueyesetip' tool.
  7. If the uEye daemon hangs and can not be stopped with /etc/init.d/ueyeethdrc stop, run (as root) /etc/init.d/ueyeethdrc force-stop
    Note that it is normal behaviour that ueyeethd refuses to terminate if there are applications connected.
    For USB uEye, replace 'ueyeethdrc' with 'ueyeusbdrc'.

Installed file structure

The created files will be installed in following directories when installing the USB package:

/usr/lib/[version] 32bit uEye shared library After ldconfig has finished, a symbolic link should exist to provide linkage against Note that only the version for the current target architecture will be installed, e.g. the 32-bit library will only be installed on a 32-bit system and the 64-bit library will only be installed on a 64-bit system.
/usr/lib/[version] 64bit uEye shared library
/usr/include/ueye.h Development header file For compatibility with older versions, a symbolic link /usr/include/uEye.h will be created. It is strongly recommended to use the lower case file name in new projects.
/usr/local/share/ueye/ueyeusbd USB uEye daemon binaries and configuration  
/usr/local/share/ueye/bin uEye utilities  
/usr/local/share/ueye/licenses Thirdparty licenses and copyrights  
/usr/local/share/ueye/firmware USB3 firmware binaries  
/var/run/ueyed Runtime directory  
/etc/init.d/ueyeusbdrc USB uEye daemon runlevel control script  
/usr/src/ids IDS demo sources  
/usr/share/doc/ids IDS SDK readme  
/usr/share/doc/ids/ueye_manual IDS SDK user manual  


Additionally, the installer provides the following tools - unless not indicated otherwise, the tools will be installed to /usr/local/share/ueye/bin:

ueyesetid Camera ID configuration tool
ueyesetip Camera IP address configuration tool
idscameramanager IDS Camera Manager
ueyedemo Demo application Report generator tool

For the binary tools, a symbolic link will be created in /usr/bin to provide direct command line access.


The installer will create a system group 'ueye' and a system user 'ueyed' to run the daemon with. Currently there are no access control restrictions, but be aware that this might change in the future.

First start   

USB 3.1/USB 3/USB 2 uEye camera

After you installed the software, connect the camera to the PC, using the corresponding USB cable. The camera will be recognized automatically. When you connect a camera with a PC or a new USB port for the first time, it is detected as a new device and the firmware is uploaded to the camera. When the camera has been correctly installed, the LED on the back of the camera lights up green and the camera is displayed in the list of the IDS Camera Manager.

Known issues   

This section lists known issues that might occur in this release.

List of contained files / dependencies   

See list on


You should always use the install script that came with the previous installation to ensure proper system cleanup. Do not attempt to remove the IDS Software Suite manually.

Note: Once uninstalled, any configuration file will be lost. Consider backing up the respective configuration files!

© 2018, IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

IDS Imaging Development Systems and uEye are registered trademarks of IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH.


IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
Dimbacher Str. 6-8
74182 Obersulm, Germany